Robustifying Model-Based Locomotion by Zero-order Stochastic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Guard Saltation Matrix
Extrinsic Calibration of Multiple LiDARs for a Mobile Robot based on Floor Plane And Object Segmentation
Real-time Perceptive Motion Control using Control Barrier Functions with Analytical Smoothing for Six-Wheeled-Telescopic-Legged Robot Tachyon 3
Development of a Compact Robust Passive Transformable Omni-Ball for Enhanced Step-Climbing and Vibration Reduction
Versatile Telescopic-Wheeled-Legged Locomotion of Tachyon 3 via Full-Centroidal Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Developments in Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Telescopic-Wheeled-Legged Robot Tachyon 3
Microsurgery Assistance Robot
外国人としてソニーの研究開発部門で働く ~チャンスをつかみ、困難を乗り越える~
ソニーグループ(株)の川原 知洋が「センサが分散配置されたロボットアームの設計と開発」を SI2023で発表し、優秀講演賞を受賞
子ども型見守り介護ロボット ”HANAMOFLOR”(ハナモフロル)を日本科学未来館に常設展示
Soft-Material-Based Highly Reliable Tri-Axis Tactile Thin-Film Sensors for Robotic Manipulation Tasks
Tachyon: Design and Control of High Payload, Robust, and Dynamic Quadruped Robot with Series-Parallel Elastic Actuators
Policy Blending and Recombination for Multimodal Contact-Rich Tasks
Theoretical Derivation and Realization of Adaptive Grasping Based on Rotational Incipient Slip Detection
3D-CNN Based Heuristic Guided Task-Space Planner for Faster Motion Planning