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#Material & Analysis

35 Results Found
  • Model Design in Bayesian Spectral Deconvolution

  • In Composition Dependence of Internal Quantum Efficiency in InGaN Quantum-Wells Measured by Simultaneous Microscopic Photoacoustic and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy

  • Impact of Potential Fluctuation on Temperature Dependence of Optical Gain Characteristics in InGaN Quantum-Well Laser Diodes

  • Theoretical model analysis of changes in PL spectrum temperature in InGaN quantum wells

  • Analysis of piezoelectric fields of GaInN/GaN quantum wells using hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

  • Blue and Green VCSEL for Full-Color Display

  • Impact of oxygen on band structure at the Ni/GaN interface revealed by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

  • Effect of Dielectric Fabrication Techniques on Graphene Gating

  • Collective orientation barrier in growth of organic thin films revealed by pMAIRS

  • Narrow divergence emission from blue GaN-based VCSELs with curved mirror

  • Research and Development Management in Assemblage: Case Studies of Solar Energy and Cell Detection Technologies

  • Olfactory training with Aromastics: olfactory and cognitive effects

  • Experimental study on the effect of vibration to delay the VR sickness

  • Estimation of internal and external quantum efficiency in InGaN quantum wells by using the simultaneous photoacoustic and photoluminescence measurement method and integrating-sphere method