Research Area


  • Ilya Reshetouski, Ryuichi Tadano, Hideki Oyaizu, Kenichiro Nakamura, Jun Murayama
  • * External authors


  • Sony Corporation


  • ICCP


  • 2021


Lensless Mismatched Aspect Ratio Imaging

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In photography, as in other imaging areas, the aspect ratio of a picture is dictated by the aspect ratio of an image sensor. In this paper, we present a flexible and efficient lensless approach to overcome aspect ratio dependency. We introduce a theory of coded aperture imaging when the aspect ratio of the scene is mismatched with the aspect ratio of the sensor. Using our prototype, we demonstrate how our theoretical results can be effectively applied for ultra-wide imaging with a conventional image sensor, and for normal aspect ratio imaging with an ultra-wide sensor. We use the latter application to perform high frame rate imaging with a rolling shutter sensor by dividing the sensor area into multiple narrow sub-areas along the rolling shutter direction.
