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  • Developments in Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Telescopic-Wheeled-Legged Robot Tachyon 3

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  • Sotaro Katayama, Noriaki Takasugi, Mitsuhisa Kaneko, Masaya Kinoshita
  • * External authors


  • Sony Group Corporation, Sony Global Manufacturing and Operations Corporation


  • ICRA Workshop: Advancements in Trajectory Optimization and Model Predictive Control for Legged Systems


  • 2024


Developments in Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Telescopic-Wheeled-Legged Robot Tachyon 3

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This work presents advancements in nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) for the telescopic-wheeled-legged robot, Tachyon 3. Our NMPC is based on the full-centroidal NMPC formulation to accurately capture the complex constraints of Tachyon 3. Furthermore, we introduce a stochastic NMPC to ensure safety-related constraints even in the presence of contact uncertainties. The proposed NMPC is implemented with a real-time CBF-QP controller to ensure strict safety and an internal state integrator to adapt the NMPC with actuators that employ high-gain position control. The effectiveness of our NMPC is demonstrated through hardware experiments with limited on-board computation.
