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Sony Group engineers won gold medals in the AI competition platform “Kaggle” and got promoted to Kaggle Masters

Sony Group engineers won gold medals in the “HuBMAP – Hacking the Human Vasculature | Kaggle ̶ […]

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Sony Group engineers won gold medals in the “HuBMAP – Hacking the Human Vasculature | Kaggle ” competition held on Kaggle, and as a result, two of them were promoted to Kaggle Masters simultaneously. Kaggle is an AI competition platform with over 15 million registered users (*1). Ranks are assigned based on the number of medals won in the competitions, and Kaggle Masters represent approximately the top 1% (*2) of competition participants. (*1,2 As of September 2023)

The goal of this competition was to develop an instance segmentation model capable of detecting microvascular structures from 2D PAS-stained histology images from healthy human kidney tissue slides. The data provided included a small amount of expert-reviewed accurate labels, a medium amount of unreviewed labels whose accuracy could not be guaranteed, and a large amount of unlabeled data. Participants were required to use these data to build highly accurate and versatile AI models. Our approaches to this challenge included assigning pseudo-labels to unlabeled data and fine-tuning the model with a small amount of accurate labeled data after initially training on the full data set.
